
Our workshop topics include:   

Depression & anxiety – Feel the Fear

A series of three weekly workshops designed to help you understand and manage anxiety.  We explore the ‘science’ around anxiety including the fight/flight/freeze response; identifying our own anxiety triggers and exploring ways to manage symptoms, and overcome our fears through ‘graded exposure’. 

To see course dates and book your place Click here


Developed by Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust but delivered by Transitions staff, this 6-week programme helps you to focus on you as a person, not as a long-term condition. It helps you to discover new strengths and rediscover old ones to keep yourself well. It also aims to boost your self-confidence and resilience, to help you cope better emotionally, psychologically and practically with your condition.  

To see course dates and book your place Click here


A series of three weekly workshops exploring ideas for maximising your income, reducing your bills and bargain hunting! Reduce the stress of making ends meet by stretching your money further. Find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing, cheaply or for free. 

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Relationship skills

Connection Reflection is a series of three weekly workshops designed for anyone who is concerned about feeling isolated and disconnected from others in their present life or immediate future.  It helps you to strengthen your existing social connections and develop new ones.  

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Food & mood 

A two-part workshop designed to explore the relationship between what we eat and how we feel, and how we can eat healthily on a budget. 

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Planning your move

Make Your Move is a series of two weekly workshops looking at affordability and housing options, finding private rented accommodation and dealing with landlords, bidding on Homechoice, and planning and organising you move.   

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Looking for work, volunteering or learning

Just the Job is a series of three workshops about preparing to work, volunteer or study.  If you have been ‘out of action’ for a while, or are looking to change direction, or find more fulfilling ways to occupy your time, this course is for you!  Includes: reflecting on your abilities, interests and personality and where these might ‘fit’ in work or volunteer roles; finding opportunities; making applications; handling interviews; learning styles and more. 

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Habits and Daily Structure

Creature of Habits is a workshop designed to look at habits, routine and daily structure. 

To see course dates and book your place Click here

Clearing clutter & getting organised

Clear Your Clutter is a series of three weekly workshops designed to tackle de-cluttering. Starting with one small area, we invite you to identify what to keep, what to chuck, what to sell and give away. Next is organising your space in a way that works for you. Finally, finding strategies for keeping it that way! 

Master Your Tasks: A series of three weekly workshops looking at prioritising, planning, decision making and time management, which are all executive function skills. You are invited to reflect on how you approach tasks and how you complete them (if you do) and whether that works for you, and if not, make a plan to change things.

To see course dates and book your place Click here